Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 31 - The Word Contained - Second time round

I spent the day trying to be as contained as possible. I did pretty good but it sure is easier when you are totaly focased on the task. I'm glad we have the gospel. As I focused on being contained today, the world around me was being about as un-contained as they could. They don't contain their emotions. They don't contain their language. They do have good qualities about themselves, but they don't even know how to begin to contain themselves. and then to top their day off, they go to the bar and get drunk. I'm grateful I grew up in the church and was taught values. but even with that, it still takes effort to contain ourselves.

I hope each of you had a wonderfully contained day.

Blessings on you.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 30 - The Word Cultivated

Cultivated is a word I can get my head around. My first known memory of cultivation came when I was 8 years old. I, according to my parents, had been driving tractors since I was 2. Can you imagine putting your 2 year old in the drivers seat of a tractor? How ever old I was, my dad would show me how to steer the tractor which was pulling a slip where my dad on one side and someone else on the other would grab bales of hay and stack them on the slip. When we got to the end of the hay field, I was taught to turn the key off and my dad would turn the tractor and get it straight so I could do the same thing over again. I have vage memories of that. So when I was 8, I wanted to drive the tracdtor by myself. The tractor had a cultivator on it and my dad had a field that needed cultivating. He finally gave in and away I went. The cultivator was 8 feet wide and it took a long time to get the field done. I started out doing it right but as time went by, I got tired of it. I started to leave a wider and wider space between the 8 foot rows until the spaces were wider than the cultivator. Needless to say, it had to be mostly done over again. I don't remember who did it the second time.

This was a lesson I have always remembered and as I have gone through life it has helped me much. It was good to see my old friend Cultivated this morning as I was checking out the word of the day.

Like cultivating farm land, as we cultivate out minds and souls, we have to be careful to do a good precise job. it's not good to leave spaces between our work. As I got older, I learned how to fortify my job activity cultivation. I learned to do every job (especially for employers) as I would do it for the Savior. It helps me do my best and makes me happy and puts me in a good mood all at the same time.

I didn't realize it until today, but as I have been studing Annalee Skarin's books over the years, a cultivation process has been going on. The scriptures do the same but focusing on a subject puts a bee line on things and that is what she is all about. Actually, this word exercise we are all doing is a cultivation of what each word means and how it affects our inner workings.

I am going to start the C-word list over tomorrow, and I intend to do a better job of cultivating each word this go-a-round.

Peace and Happiness to you all

Monday, July 15, 2013

Days 20 thru 29

Well as you can see, I am once again way behind. I haven't been as diligent with these words as the others. Changeable is something that I have the ability to do. It's one of the blessings of becoming seasoned. Content too. In fact I love having a moment where I can sit on the deck after the sun has gone down and just be content and think of the things I need to change in my life.

I can be curious but rarely in an outward agressive way. And I can be communicative but the more seasoned I get, the more I hold my tounge when I should. I do get goofy with my wife once in a while, but it's usually when she's not in the mood for goofy.

I am pretty much always considerate. Especially if I like you. If a person is hard to like it becomes a chore to be as conciderate. I have found that if I can master it in those moments, that is where real growth takes place. I guess that's why we have those moments. Isn't that curious?

Calm and Collected are also something that gets more frequent as a person seasons. Being young sure has its bennifits, but I would never trade it for the wisdom of seasoning.

Now we are left with Comely, Captivating and Colorful. These are words that I didn't even know what they ment let a lone if I was. I still havent figured out how to impliment them into my redneck being but I do intend to figure it out.

It was good to see Larry Ann(e)? this past week. I love to spend time with Bronwen and some of the reason I don't get my blog done is I have a hard time dislodging my self from our conversations. I appreciate Larry Ann and those of you who are such good friends to her.

Onward and forward.  Tomorrow is a new day. Isn't it wonderful to be attatched to such a wonderful project and to be changeable.  Onward to Zion.

Blessings on all of you

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 13 - The Word Chosen

Day 13 - The Word Chosen

I had a hard time with the word chosen. I didn't have the definitions of it on the day of and I felt a little out of line considering myself as chosen. When I found where my wife had identified the definitions of the words we are using, I studied them out.

1) Selected from a number; picked out; taken in preference; elected; predestinated; designated to office.
2) Select; distinguished by preference; eminent.
       Predeterminmed; foreordained; decreed
         1) High; lofty; as an eminent place.
         2) Exalted in rank; high in office; dignified; distinguished.
         3) High in public estimation; conspicuous; distinguished above others; remarkable.

There are a number of these things that I hope for and seek. Some of them make me feel uneasy. In a righteous way I hope for at least some of the others. I want to be chosen, but I'm probably going to have to grow into it at this time. I'm glad it came up because I can see it is necessary to focus on in a righteous way.

Day 14 - The Word Confident

Confident is a wonderful word. There are many ways that I am confident and many I am not. For example, I am quite confident in my work skills. I am confident that my mother and my wife and my children love me and most of my grandchildren at any given time. I am confident in my growing relationship with my Father in Heaven and my Savior. I become in-confident when I compare my Heavenly skills with those in this group that I know. I'm really grateful for my skills, but I find myself envying your skills and behind in my progress. But I sure am glad that I am as close to you as I am because I sure do enjoy the discussions and the learning that goes on. As understanding comes, confidence grows. My confidence around the Gospel has grown in leaps and bounds this past year. I am confident that I know that God is in charge and leading me along.

Day 15 - The Word Concise

I had a wonderful experience with this word as I went to work at 4:30 Monday morning. The Spirit came over me and taught me what the Savior meant when He said "I am that I am". I have know for years that we are what we think. Bronwen has been talking to me about how we have taught our bodies wrong things that are the opposite of what we really want. I have been telling my self that old age stinks, and my body hurts, that I have Diabetes etc. The Spirit taught me that I am what I have programed myself to be when in fact, I want just the opposite in reality. Some how I felt how to change all of that and make it right. It was a wonderful AH HA moment. Then my wife gave me two of Annalee Skarin's books that she brought back from our home in Idaho when she was there in May. I spent several years reading and applying Annalee's encouragement and had wonderful experiences with her books. The 2 that Tari brought back were about the pathway of the Gods. They are the only two that I haven't read yet. Well, I started them yesterday and WOW. Because of the experiences I have had this last 15 months and this project and all of the wonderful conversations with Tari and Bronwen, I'm understanding all of Annalee's teachings on a much higher level. I am so grateful for the Gospel and the learning curve that takes place in our lives when we finally get our noses headed in the right direction., and I can see that being concise is one of the main things we have to apply to everything we do in our lives if we are going to become as God is.

Day 16 - The Word Cooperative

This word was refreshing because I don't have as much struggle with it as I do some of the other words. I like to cooperate with people, especially ones who are cooperative. The important thing to me is that I don't cooperate with the enemy. There are many out there, especially in the political world. I am one who looks forward to the cooperation that will go on that will bring about the Millennial reign and do away with all of the tyranny that abounds in this world.

Day 17 - The Word Completed

I do look forward to this part of the journey being completed. But I realize that God doesn't just sit around so, how will it be???

Day 18 - The Word Charismatic

This word makes me laugh. I suppose I hope a bit of charisma wears off on me as the process goes on. Is it possible for an old Country Red Neck to develop charisma? After all, Larry the Cable Guy has a compelling attractiveness or charm that inspires devotion in others. However, I would rather have # 2 happen to me.

1)     Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.
2)     A divinely conferred power or talent.

Day 19 - The Word Classic

I like Tari's post on this. She is so classy in so many ways. I like to see her in my mind as she will be when the renewal of our bodys comes. She is very pretty with classy taste in most things. I carry a photo of her when she was 19. She is tall and slender and has a great smile and the best of pretty fingers. Her Dream car is an older Jaguar and a 64 1/2 Mustang. She has great taste in music and cloths. Hopefully some day I will be able to provide her with more of the classy things she deserves. She is and always will be a very classy woman

For me, the older I get the more I like fine (classic) things. A perfect water melon chilled to perfection. A great prime rib or rib eye. A 66 GTO or a 57 Chevy. A great Pickup. New Caterpillar equipment. A good pair of boots. Long tailed shirts. Each new grandchild. Children who really have their act together. How good a man my father was and I didn't even know it until I became a classic (you know, older). I have been blessed to know many men and a few women that are true classics. And because of them my life has been blessed immensely. I am also blessed to know up and coming spiritual giants.  I am positively sure that my Father and Mother in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ are Classic. And I am very grateful for classic books and experiences that teach me classic truth.

Now, as you have seen, I was very behind with these posts. I doubt it will be the last time, but I am glad for tomorrows word, Changeable. I change daily and have much hope of becoming perfect in all things.

Blessings on all of you.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 11 - The Word Careful
Day 12 - The Word Centered

Well as you can see, I wasn't very careful to get my blog done yesterday. But as I got myself centered with today's word, I was able to get back on track, and here I am.

One thing I like about all of these words, while they all have different meanings, they all lead to the same place. They all lead to the peace of Jesus Christ. They all lead to the cleansing of the inner vessel. The scriptures lead us to the same place if we are really diligent, but these words help us focus and get to the nitty gritty of the clean up process. I am really grateful for the new approach to "focus".

Careful, like most of these words has more meanings than I had thought of. 1) full of care; anxious; solicitous. Full of care I understood. We all have people we are full of care for and also things and activities. I had to think about anxious though. Our oldest son is going through a serious situation with an arm that his tendon has come unhinged. He has to get it operated on and put back together. It's been too long. His company and the doctors didn't deal with things until it became way overdue. Now we have to hope and pray that the outcome will be positive and thorough. We are very anxious about the carefulness that will be needed to make him as close to 100% again. I had to look up Solicitous. I found out that we are very solicitous regarding his situation. Another benefit of going through these words. We learn pieces of the definitions that we didn't know before. 2) provident; attentive to support and protect. We have definitely done this.3) watchful; cautious; giving good heed. To me this was self evident. At work, I am working on some really steep grades and we definitely have to do that. Most things we do in life require these things. Raising children is certainly one of them. 4) filling with care or solicitude; exposing to concern, anxiety or trouble; full of cares. I especially find these with my children and their families. When I have ah ha moments and wonder why I had to wait 60 years to get this. Then I want my children and grand children to know because I don't think they have 60 years before time as we know it runs out. I do admire those who get it young.

Centered is pretty easy. I know there are many aspects and avenues to be centered on but of course our main one is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the focus of ridding ourselves of the natural man and becoming pure as Christ is pure. I'll be glad when it becomes a reality and not just a distant hope. It sure is nice to recognize improvement isn't it? I think if we stay centered on fully implementing all of these words, we will get there a lot faster. But of course, that is where we are centered isn't it?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 10 - The Word Conscious

A very interesting word. For me just staying awake can be a struggle. I get up at 4:15 am on the days I go to work. I have to drive about an hour and 10 minutes to get to and from work. The drive at night isn't so bad but the morning drive can be real hard if I didn't go to bed at least by 9 the night before. It takes a lot of head shaking, yelling and just shear will to make it there with out loosing consciousness. On the way home at 5pm I usually have someone to talk to to help me stay awake. No one is up at 4:15 am or I would call them.

Last night at the Temple, I had a real struggle with this word conscious. My head did not want to remain conscious and I had to fight to stay awake most of the time. The temple isn't a good place to be unconscious.

One of the definitions of conscious is: possessing the faculty or power of knowing one's own thoughts, or mental operations.

When one embarks on a journey as we all are on right now with these words, or when we get immersed in the scriptures daily, It's real easy to identify the good and bad thoughts. Once a determination is made, it is quite easy to separate the two. Then when we determine to not let the bad ones stick around, it becomes more and more easy to send them packing as long as we practice it diligently. If I don't continually put good pondering into it, it is easy to get complacent and slip out of consciousnesses of what I am working on.

Well, I have to go to bed so I can be conscious in the morning and be able to work on being Careful.

Blessings on you.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 4 - The Word Composed
Day 5 - The Word Contrite
Day 6 - The Word Compassionate

Day 7 - The Word Coordinated
Day 8 - The Word Constant
Day 9 - The Word Connected

As you can see, I'm way behind.  I didn't realize I was so far behind.

Well it was an interesting week.  On day 4, things didn't go so well.  I was mad at my wife and she was mad at me. So much for being composed.

It all started at work. I was mad at my boss and one of the other workers. The harder I tried to be composed, the worse it got. It was one of those days that the adversary just wouldn't go away. I think the Lord lets us have days like that so we will really appreciate the really good days. Anyway, I came home from work and took it out on my wife. I didn't necessarily know it until Bronwen told me I was guilty. Funny how we see it in everyone else, but often not in our selves. I did know I was fed up with the guys at work though but it turned out I read it all wrong. Big learning day, which leads into Day 5's word...Contrite.

Contrite has something to do with repentance and feeling bad for being out of order. I had a contrite day.

Day 6, Compassionate was a pretty good day. I found myself counting my blessings and grateful the enemy didn't have such a hold on me.

Coordinated, Day 7. I have a damaged hip that is renewing it's self and some days I don't feel very coordinated. I guess the highlight of the day was the realization that coordinated filled a much bigger space than just walking straight.  It was fun to explore the possibilities.

Day 8, Constant. Boy, that is a big one. Much to integrate into life as I looked into and pondered where I am constant and where I am not. I really enjoy this exercise because not only does it cause one to learn the full meaning of the words, but it makes me reflect on where I fall short and where I am strong so I can really go to work on the weaknesses.

Day 9, Connected. We are all so connected in so many ways and directions when we really take time to study it out. I had a unique experience in the Temple tonight. I was having ill feelings toward my wife and hadn't been able to work it out so it would go away. My wife likes to participate in the prayer and they don't like people to participate if you have ill feelings toward anyone there. I couldn't shake it so I wasn't going to participate. I was nervous about that because I didn't want to be angry with her and at the same time I wanted to get rid of it but couldn't. Just as it was about time for this to take place, the spirit swooshed through me and took all the bad feelings away. I was amazed at how fast it can happen when the Spirit takes over and answers our prayers. The bad feelings were so gone, I was able to participate and the feelings I had for the whole group were magnified also. It was good to feel connected

I'm really grateful for this exercise. Each day I look forward to it. My wife really helps me by texting me the word of the day with the definitions for it. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be Conscious so I can work on the broader meanings of that word.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day Three - The Word Clean

This was a great word for me today. On my way to work I pondered how being Clean helps me to be receptive to the Holy Ghost. As I was driving along, a car came up behind me and followed way to close with his brights on. This happens often especially on this road which is a back road to Tooele (Utah). My normal mental response would be to mentally rebuke and think what a ****** this person was for a few moments before catching my self and then feeling so low for loosing my composure. This morning I simply thought of the word Clean and it took over. So far, all of the words have had this same effect.  It reminds me of all the times someone in church has recommended we pick a hymn to drive away the negative thoughts and acts. I never managed to make that happen. I guess I thought it took to long to go through a song. Also without the book, I don't have many songs that I can remember all of the words. With one word it is easy and very specific.

Through out the work day, there are many different distractions that can take my mind where it shouldn't go. I work with some of the most foul folks you can imagine. They can be very likable and good in many ways but they definitely don't share the virtues that I seek for. This week all I have had to do is summon my word of the day. I especially liked today's word though. It feels good to be clean and make good choices.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 2 - The Word Clear

Today's word wasn't as interesting as yesterdays word, Contained. It seemed harder to focus on yet I did find myself asking myself if I was Clear for the Holy Ghost to be able to communicate with me from time to time. All in all, I still did well because, like yesterday, each time I did something out of line, I found myself backing up and taking the higher road while thinking of the word Clear.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 1 - The Word Contained.

Last night, my wife, my daughter and I sat on the bed and brainstormed. We told each other things that were positive about each other. No one could argue or gasp or comment. we could only write down what one of the other said about us. It reminded me of a situation in court where my attorney ask my wife to collect some character reference letters from people that knew me.  I didn't know I was such a great guy. It's good to do exercises like this. It gives us positive platforms to launch anew from.

Today, our word of the day was "Contained". The admonition was to focus on that word for the full day. Each time I found myself  having a negative or judgmental thought or attitude, I thought of that word and was immediately able to get my self contained. I liked it.  My wife had a good experience with it also. I think I am going to like this assignment.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's an honor to be asked to be a part of this project. I hope I can get as much from it as the women are projected to achieve.

Probably the best thing I can get out of this is just recording the thoughts and activities going on in my life. I love growing and achieving new heights of awareness.

I hope I can be of some benefit to those who read this blog. I know I have grown much, in the past, from the things I've learned from the people who have put this program together.