Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 30 - The Word Cultivated

Cultivated is a word I can get my head around. My first known memory of cultivation came when I was 8 years old. I, according to my parents, had been driving tractors since I was 2. Can you imagine putting your 2 year old in the drivers seat of a tractor? How ever old I was, my dad would show me how to steer the tractor which was pulling a slip where my dad on one side and someone else on the other would grab bales of hay and stack them on the slip. When we got to the end of the hay field, I was taught to turn the key off and my dad would turn the tractor and get it straight so I could do the same thing over again. I have vage memories of that. So when I was 8, I wanted to drive the tracdtor by myself. The tractor had a cultivator on it and my dad had a field that needed cultivating. He finally gave in and away I went. The cultivator was 8 feet wide and it took a long time to get the field done. I started out doing it right but as time went by, I got tired of it. I started to leave a wider and wider space between the 8 foot rows until the spaces were wider than the cultivator. Needless to say, it had to be mostly done over again. I don't remember who did it the second time.

This was a lesson I have always remembered and as I have gone through life it has helped me much. It was good to see my old friend Cultivated this morning as I was checking out the word of the day.

Like cultivating farm land, as we cultivate out minds and souls, we have to be careful to do a good precise job. it's not good to leave spaces between our work. As I got older, I learned how to fortify my job activity cultivation. I learned to do every job (especially for employers) as I would do it for the Savior. It helps me do my best and makes me happy and puts me in a good mood all at the same time.

I didn't realize it until today, but as I have been studing Annalee Skarin's books over the years, a cultivation process has been going on. The scriptures do the same but focusing on a subject puts a bee line on things and that is what she is all about. Actually, this word exercise we are all doing is a cultivation of what each word means and how it affects our inner workings.

I am going to start the C-word list over tomorrow, and I intend to do a better job of cultivating each word this go-a-round.

Peace and Happiness to you all

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