Saturday, April 19, 2014

GRATITUDE: Something I am very much grateful for.

Good Morning Friends,

As I went to my computer to start my electronic day, I decided that today, I was going to do something that needed to be done but doesn't get done because I always feel so pressured to get everything else done that is in my scope of assignment. (some self assigned and others from other persons or things that often feel like unwanted pressure but necessary).

That decision was to read all of my daughters blogs that have piled up over the last few weeks and piled up because I didn't feel like I had time. It was just what I needed. I don't know why I have neglected to do this sooner. I know that when I read her writings or listen to her speak to me that I always come away edified. In the last few years as I have come to realize what a special soul she is, I have pondered the whys of my worthiness of being privileged to be her mortal father. She has taught me so much and fortunately I have been intelligent enough to listen. I don't always understand immediately, but I always learn something to ponder on and apply to my life that raises me up.

If you know me, you will know which of my children I am talking about. However, other than bloging, the above dialog could apply to any and all of my children. No, they are not all anywhere near the same, but very different and the nitch that they each play in my life is very different but equally im-pactive. I am equally grateful for each one in my life and the role they play therein.

However, today I am especially grateful for the blogger one. She has spiritual gifts that the Lord allows her to share with me often and this has been such a special experience and blessing for me. Sometimes it is hard to understand why I believe but don't see, but I guess for me to believe is the blessing.

I have been through a few years of things that could have easily been disastrous to my attitude. Fortunately, I was blessed to go the other way and reap the rich blessings of where I now find myself. I owe the reasons for this to my wife especially, and my children and my mother, but in my understanding of it all, to this one daughter. I love her and so appreciate her. I hope you who read her blogs and or have direct contact with her learn a reap as much as I do.

I am so thankful and happy and grateful to my God for all He has blessed me with and does bless me with, especially my family and all of the great friends and neighbors who have impacted my life in so many positive ways, and all of the, not only, positive experiences He has given me, but especially the challenging ones that have brought so much growth when accepted in the proper light. And today as I learn about the passing of Lena Wilcock, I thank the Lord for her special impact on my life. She was a neighbor in Idaho that was nothing less than an angel.

Have a wonderful day.

I wish Gods blessings of pure Love and Light and Light of Christ energy upon all of you.


Thursday, April 17, 2014


Hello World,

It is really a pretty day here in Alpine today. The sun is shining and the air is fresh and it's going to be a great day.

This life of "meditation" sure is interesting. Even though we all know we can't control others and only "I" am responsible for my anger or resentment or irritation, we could probably go all day adding to that list, we just keep doing it to each other. One of the things that irritate me the most and the fastest is when I go to do the dishes, those who have filled the sink and the counter around it have just thrown their stuff in with out rinsing it off or stacking it somewhat and it turns into a cluttered mess, crusty as can be and it takes the person doing the dishes twice as long or more to do the doggone chore that is already depressing enough because it takes much longer to cook the meal that made the mess than it does to eat it. To me, it seems like each person would care enough about the mother who usually does these chores to do their part and make these mundane jobs as easy as possible. Isn't that just something that we should exercise just because we are decent human beings.

So, I'm sure those of us who are meditating are up and down trying to remember to keep the composure and remember that we should be sending out love and peace and etc,etc,etc instead of steaming and fretting and hoping that the guilty culprits will get a clue. Sure feels better when we do it right, huh? Sure would be nice if the guilty culprits would get a clue, huh? But, it's the load that makes the muscle grow.

E-words for the day: EXERCISE, EAT, EXPECT.


We can exercise our rights. That seems to be part of if not much of the reason our Nation is no longer recognizable.
We can exercise our body's
We can exercise control of how we feel.
We can exercise tyranny.
We can exercise Love.
There are any number of things we can exercise, rightly or wrongly.

In a general sense, any kind of work, labor or exertion of body. Hence,
1.       Use;  practice; the exertions and movements customary in the performance of business;  as the exercise of an art, trade, occupation, or profession.
2.       Practice;  performance;  as the exercise of religion.
3.       Use;  employment; exertion;  as the exercise
of the eyes or of the senses, or of any power of body or mind.
4.       Exertion of the body, as conducive to health;  action;  motion, by labor, walking, riding, or other exertion.
5.       Exertion of the body for amusement, or for instruction;  the habitual use of the limbs for acquiring an art, dexterity, or grace, as in fencing, dancing, riding;  or the exertion of the muscles for invigorating the body.
6.       Exertion of the body and mind or faculties for improvement, as in oratory, in painting or statuary.
7.       Use or practice to acquire skill;  preparatory practice.  Military exercises consist in using arms, in motions, marches and evolutions.  Naval exercise consists in the use or management of artillery, and in the evolutions of fleets.
8.       Exertion of the mind;  application of the mental powers.
9.       Task;  that which is appointed for one to perform.
10.   Act of divine worship.
11.   Lesson or example for practice.
1.       In a general sense, to move;  to exert;  to cause to act, in any manner;  as, to exercise the body or the hands;  to exercise the mind, the powers of the mind, the reason or judgment.
2.       To use;  to exert;  as, to exercise authority or power.
3.       To use for improvement in skill; as, to exercise arms.
4.       To exert one’s powers or strength;  to practice habitually;  as, to exercise one’s self in speaking or music.
5.       To practice;  to perform the duties of;  as, to exercise an office.
6.       To train;  to use;  to discipline;  to cause to perform certain acts, as preparatory to service;  as, to exercise troops.
7.       To task;  to keep employed;  to use efforts.
Herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense towards God and men.  Acts xxiv
8.        To use;  to employ
9.       To busy; to keep busy in action, exertion or employment.
10.   To pain or afflict;  to give anxiety to;  to make uneasy.

8.       Exertion of the mind;  application of the mental powers.

Seems to me if we were living the life that Jesus taught, we would never get angry or any of the negative emotions in an out of control fashion. Wow, what a concept.


We eat food.
Acid eats metal.
Negative emotions eat lives.
Cancer eats flesh.

1.       To bite or chew and swallow, as food.  Men eat flesh and vegetables.
2.       To corrode; to wear away;  to separate parts of a thing gradually, as an animal by gnawing.  We say a cancer eats the flesh.
3.       To consume; to waste.
4.       To enjoy.
5.       To consume; to oppress.
6.       To feast.
In scripture, to eat the flesh of Christ, is to believe on him and be nourished by faith.
1.       To take food; to feed; to take a meal, or to board.
2.       To take food; to be maintained in food.
To eat or to eat in or into, is to make way by corrosion; to gnaw; to enter by gradually wearing or separating the parts of a substance.  A cancer eats into the flesh. 


We all expect, probably every moment of consciousness. Right now, I expect myself to win this battle of negative self talk, negative emotions, blaming others etc, etc, etc. I expect myself to be a finisher. I expect myself to see my goals completed.

To look, that is, to reach forward, or to fix the eyes.
1.       To wait for.
2.       To look for; to have a previous apprehension of something future, whether good or evil;  to entertain at least a slight belief that an event will happen.  We expect a visit that has been promised.  We expect money will be paid at the time it is due, thought we are often disappointed.  Expect, in its legitimate sense, always refers to a future event.  The common phrase, I expect it was, is as vulgar as it is improper.

 I always wondered who got to decide what was proper and what was vulgar and improper.  Personally, I think rednecks have just as much say as anyone.

Today's Hidden Soul of Words is "JOY":

It's good to have joy. It makes me feel good. I send joy to everyone.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Good morning Friends,

I chose meditating last night to writing in the blog. In that meditation, I set up a ball of light that I put my day (today starting last night when I went to bed) in and then pulled it into my heart area and sent it out calmly and evenly with plenty of time to accomplish all I wanted for my day with time to spare. I started with a good nights sleep, something I don't get enough of, and then waking up refreshed and moving into my day. So far so good. 

I am amazed at how exhilarating meditating can be, yet so far there have been ebbs and tides. I think the key must be figuring out what the negative self talk is, especially that, that is like the darkness that likes to be stubborn and that I don't understand where it stems from yet.  I find that my self talk goes just as deep as my negative emotions and takes diligent search and a note pad to write it down before it is forgotten and I have to wait for the next cycle of awareness of it to show up. I have a lot of things come to mind and often I don't get it written down or erased soon enough before I forget what it is. (Now, was that negative self talk or is it in the same realm when we recognize something and discuss it?)

I'm finding that my relationships, both in person and the ones that have been challenging in my mind are improving and even many of the negative ones have vanished. A challenging person will come up in my mind a variety of ways and there is no more immediately go to hate feelings. It has been so very refreshing.

The E-words of the day are ENLIVEN, ENDORSE, EXCISE. I haven't looked them up yet because I like to give my version of their meanings before I go to the dictionary to see how close or far away I am on the meaning. These three are not the same as others that I often use a lot in my life. Maybe not so much with Endorse.


The only thing I can think of here is when I take supplements or think of food that is supposed to be good for me, I hope it enlivens my body. As I write this I realize that meditation is definitely Enlivening (maybe).

Literally, to give life.
1.       To give action or motion to;  to make vigorous or active; to excite; as, fresh fuel enlivens a fire.

Not to bad on that one. Just being happy and grateful is also maybe the heart of Enlivening.


This is one that I would align with politics primarily even though we end up endorsing or rejecting almost everything and everyone in life. I believe it is Annalee who says we need to give up our opinions. It might have been someone else. I do think our opinions are what drag us into darkness and doubt and maybe unbelief if not coupled with the Holly Ghost. In this CEO business, I find having an opinion usually borders on if not encapsulates judgement. 

Declare one’s public approval of. (this is NOT an 1828 definition)
1.       To write on the back of a paper or written instrument;  as, to endorse a note or bill of exchange;  to endorse a receipt or assignment on a bill or note. Hence,
2.       To assign by writing an order on the back of a note or bill; to assign or transfer by endorsement.   

 I did know the endorsing a check etc. We do use that one a lot in life.


The only thing I know about this word is that in the uSA constutution, one of the constitutional taxes is excise tax.

To lay or impose a duty on articles consumed, or in the hands of merchants, manufacturers and retailers;  to levy an excise on.
an inland duty or impost laid on commodities consumed, or on the retail, which is the last stage before consumption; as an excise on coffee, soap, candles, which a person consumes in his family.  But many articles are excised at the manufactories, as spirit at the distillery, printed silks and linens at the printer’s, &c.

 I thought there would be more to that word. I'm not quite sure how it relates to CEO?

From the Hidden Souls of Words, Imagine:

Imagine is something I would very much like to have more of, in the sense of being able to see things I want as part of my goals; to be able to see them vividly in my mind already a part of my life. I hope it gets better each time I exert the imagination muscle, but it seems to wax and wain. I'm sure there is some self talk there that needs adjustment. Guess I had better create a meditation for it. Annalee has much to say about Image-in. If there is a great book on imagination and how to image-in, I would like to know about it.

Again, another profound word with profound root meaning. We are all affected one way or the other from our own imagination and also the imaginations of others. As the book says, it is the way history is made and how marvels both good and bad come to pass. It makes me wonder how different and how the same other worlds are because of the different imaginations that take place on each one.

Well, I am at the end of the day, and it has been a great day. I hope yours has too.
