Good morning world. It's a fine day. I exist to employ my faculties and to energize my body and soul.
The primary sense
is to set, fix or be fixed, whence the set of permanence, continuance.
1. To be; to
have an essence or real being, applicable to matter or body, and to spiritual
substances. A supreme being and first cause of all other beings must have
existed from eternity, for no being can have created himself.
2. To live; to have
life or animation. Men cannot exist in water, nor fishes on land.
3. To remain; to
endure; to continue in being. How long shall national enmities exist?
This word exist really brings life to our Spiritual side which is the main subject of our daily meditation. It has lots of meaning that I hadn't thought of prior to looking up the definition. There is so much junk in our lives that functions to keep us unaware of that Spiritual side of things. It is amazing how doing the meditation brings that to light and opens a way to get it out of our lives.
1. To occupy the
time, attention and labor of; to keep busy, or at work; to use. We employ
our hands in labor; we employ our heads or faculties in study or
thought; the attention is employed, when the mind is fixed or occupied
upon an object; we employ time, when we devote it to an object. A
portion of time should be daily employed in reading the scriptures,
meditation and prayer; a great portion of life is employed to little
profit or to very bad purposes.
2. To use as an
instrument or means. We employ pens in writing, and arithmetic in
keeping accounts. We employ medicines in curing diseases.
3. To use materials
in forming anything. We employ timber, stones or bricks, in building; we
employ wool, linen and cotton, in making cloth.
4. To engage in
one’s service; to use as an agent or substitute in transacting business; to
commission and entrust with the management of one’s affairs. The
president employed an envoy to negotiate a treaty. Kings and
States employ ambassadors at foreign courts.
5. To occupy; to
use; to apply or devote to an object; to pass in business; as, to employ
time; to employ an hour, a day or a week; to employ one’s life.
(Noun: That
which engages the mind or occupies the time and labor of person; business;
object of study or industry; employment.
Present to grasp, and future still to find,
The whole employ of body and of mind.
Present to grasp, and future still to find.
How fitting to the method we are taught to look and feel and believe about goals.
This word also clearly makes one think of all of the faculties that one uses in a day that employs as well as all the things we use in our day that is being employed. It reminds me of the persons through out history that have used dumming down and controlled employment of the masses to keep us from coming to our full potential in order to use our potential to create wealth and control for themselves. It boggles my mind to think about the untold amounts of human potential and wealth that is wasted at the feet of tyrants and greed and stupidity.
To act with force; to operate with vigor; to act in
producing an effect
To operate with vigor. The more years I accumulate, the more I cherish this blessing.
To act in producing an effect. And the more I develop meditation skills, the more I appreciate the ability to counter the mortal effects of the more years I accumulate.
I have appreciated the knowledge of the Hidden Soul of Words.
The word Anger upon learning its original meaning changes the whole feeling about how one deals with the affects of the word. When the rage is set aside, the sorrow and distress side of it are able to come through and how it is handled becomes very different. It has helped me to be able to understand and let go of some feelings about people who have hurt me over the years.
My feelings about animals varies a lot. Having grown up in a country setting, there is much that I love about animals. However, I have very different feelings about my feelings and those of people who predomintly were raised in a city setting. I am not a big fan of dogs, but I don't like to see them suffer. I don't see a city as being a great place to keep a dog. Many are tied up and ignored and neglected and it doesn't ring right with me. A dog needs space to run and be free and things to do that are productive. Like herding cows or sheep or something. They need companionship to like kids or other animals. My thoughts are if a city person must have an animal in the house or in their lives, get a cat. They only need themselves.
Now on the other hand, I love horses and cows and the wide open spaces. That's a life a dog and a person can really get into and enjoy.
I like thinking of art as something that has a place in all of us and not just famous folks. My Wife is very artistic in very different ways than I am. In fact, I haven't thought of my self as artistic in the past. However, I guess you could call my talents arts. I am an equipment operator and I can move dirt and maneuver it to do just what I need it to do. I guess you could call that an artistic talent. I love to do it. I guess that is as close to silent poetry as I will get because I'm not at all interested in poetry.
Life is good. I want to get to the point that my day can remain on the high that I get from meditation all day long. I will be glad when we don't have to have all of the negative spirits effecting our lives as we do now. How would it be to be at the vibration level of an angel, or even better the Savior. That's what I want.
I bless you with pure love and light and I bless you with pure source energy.
Have a great day
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