Monday, April 14, 2014


Hello Friends and Neighbors,

I'm three days behind and I'm tired of being sorry for it. I have all kinds of excuses, but what good would it do to use any of them. Some of them are due to lack of exactness. It isn't that I don't encourage myself, to  do better and more.The goal has always been enlightenment. I feel like Spencer in "Visions of Glory". When he is in the spirit, it's easy to do and be on track, but when he gets back in his body, something seems to drag him down. I don't know why it is so difficult to follow through and complete each task in each day. I have come to the conclusion that I need to somehow master putting my to do list into the light and calmly sending it out into my day knowing and believing that it will happen with exactness and enlightenment and being on automatic encouragement.

I believe it can be done. I have experienced it many times when I travel. Things happen and I get behind schedule, but if I keep the time I need to be at a specific location, unless it is a major happening, I always get there on time. It is like time expands when I need it to and I am focused on that need.

Another example is when I come up on a truck expecially, but also cars, and I'm just creeping up to them and all of the sudden when I make the decision to pass them, some how I go faster to get around them with out changing my speed. It's like once the decision is made, the action speeds everything up and the time element changes. 

So, I'm thinking that there should be an exercise that could cause time to expand and make way for us to get all of the things we want to or need to get done in a day done and still get enough sleep to do it with out being tired all through the day. 

I also believe that with the proper attitude and self talk, that gravity begins to not be. I haven't floated out of control yet, but I do notice when I am happy and energized, I go up the stairs faster and with a bounce in my step that I notice in kids. I can tell that my energy is higher and I am happy. and I also don't have issues with balance at those times either. 

I've been intrigued with kids lately. After listing to and reading things about how kids don't often have as much veil as adults, I have been watching. I was at a rock show (gem stones) last week with my oldest grand daughter. She was as bored as I was so we left my wife to do her enjoying and went across to the play ground. There was a lot of school bus loads of kids coming to the show and when we were at the play ground, some came to eat their lunch and play. It was interesting how they just started playing with my grand daughter as if they had always known each other. Others would come up to me and talk to me like we were neighbors that saw each other all the time. Some were so trusting. I'd like to be more innocent like a child. I'd also like to be more patient with the ones that annoy me. As a matter of fact, annoyance must be one of those dark energy words that need to be erased and replaced.

I love knowing that I can bring a ball of light up from the center of the earth and another one down from above and use it like cymbals to banish the darkness that gets caught in between them. I love feeling the above average flow of energy that surrounds me after driving the darkness out and finding much to be thankful and grateful for. What I don't care for is the diminishing of all of this and then having to pull out of a rut to begin the process again. I want it to be permanent. I guess that is the objective isn't it?

Back to the E-words for today:


What I think that means is do it right. I like to think of Annalee's "Law of the Angels". To do everything I do in the very best and most complete way that I can. 

1.       Closely correct or regular;  nice;  accurate;  conformed to rule;  as a man exact in his dealings.
2.       Precise;  not different in the least.  This is the exact sum or amount, or the exact time.  We have an exact model for imitation.
3.       Methodical; careful; not negligent; correct;  observing strict method, rule or order.  This man is very exact in keeping his accounts.
4.       Punctual.  Every man should be exact in paying his debts when due;  he should be exact in attendance on appointments.
5.       Strict.  We should be exact in the performance of duties.
1.       To force or compel to pay or yield;  to demand or require authoritatively;  to extort by means of authority or without pity or justice.  It is an offense for an officer to exact illegal or unreasonable fees.  It is customary for conquerors to exact tribute or contributions from conquered countries
2.       To demand of right.  Princes exact obedience of their subjects.  The laws of God exact obedience from all  men.
3.       To demand of necessity;  to enforce a yielding or compliance;  or to enjoin with pressing urgency.
      To practice extortion.


I think this word means for me;  to be involved in gaining understanding from the Holy Spirit. It also means learning truth.

1.       To make light; to shed light on; to supply with light;  to illuminate; as, the sun enlightens the earth.
2.       To quicken in the faculty of vision; to enable to see more clearly.
3.       To give light to;  to give clearer views; to illuminate; to instruct;  to enable to see or comprehend truth;  as, to enlighten the mind or understanding.
4.       To illuminate with divine knowledge, or a knowledge of the truth.


Encourage is something we should all be doing to and for each other. I'm pretty sure I'm not as good at it as I should be. I hope to become better, much better as a Word Wellness Coach. I think there is a difference from being encouraging and pushy. I have probably been pushy way to many times. Especially with my family.

To give courage to;  to give or increase confidence of success;  to inspire with courage, spirit, or strength of mind;  to embolden; to animate; to incite; to inspirit.

I am very encouraged at what I can eliminate and add to my life with the use of meditation. I wish I had known about meditation during all of those times that I tried to set goals and visualize them with out success. Unbelief and doubt I'm sure were a root issue too. 

Hidden Soul of Words Word: Honesty:

Finding out the root of these words is much like the word wellness exercise. So often what I thought a word meant wasn't  quite right or a few times it wasn't even close.

With Honesty, I relate it to integrity. However, after reading the root meaning of the word, there is much more to it. I would judge that much of my lack of honesty comes from my thoughts, and not so much from my actions. I think of the scripture that says "....they see as they are seen, and know as they are known....". If we haven't perfected our thoughts before we get to the end, it could get pretty embarrassing.

 Again I am grateful for the goodness of God in our lives and that He has provided a way for us to get past all of this garbage in stuff we accumulate and replace it with goodness and truth.

Have a great day;


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