Saturday, April 19, 2014

GRATITUDE: Something I am very much grateful for.

Good Morning Friends,

As I went to my computer to start my electronic day, I decided that today, I was going to do something that needed to be done but doesn't get done because I always feel so pressured to get everything else done that is in my scope of assignment. (some self assigned and others from other persons or things that often feel like unwanted pressure but necessary).

That decision was to read all of my daughters blogs that have piled up over the last few weeks and piled up because I didn't feel like I had time. It was just what I needed. I don't know why I have neglected to do this sooner. I know that when I read her writings or listen to her speak to me that I always come away edified. In the last few years as I have come to realize what a special soul she is, I have pondered the whys of my worthiness of being privileged to be her mortal father. She has taught me so much and fortunately I have been intelligent enough to listen. I don't always understand immediately, but I always learn something to ponder on and apply to my life that raises me up.

If you know me, you will know which of my children I am talking about. However, other than bloging, the above dialog could apply to any and all of my children. No, they are not all anywhere near the same, but very different and the nitch that they each play in my life is very different but equally im-pactive. I am equally grateful for each one in my life and the role they play therein.

However, today I am especially grateful for the blogger one. She has spiritual gifts that the Lord allows her to share with me often and this has been such a special experience and blessing for me. Sometimes it is hard to understand why I believe but don't see, but I guess for me to believe is the blessing.

I have been through a few years of things that could have easily been disastrous to my attitude. Fortunately, I was blessed to go the other way and reap the rich blessings of where I now find myself. I owe the reasons for this to my wife especially, and my children and my mother, but in my understanding of it all, to this one daughter. I love her and so appreciate her. I hope you who read her blogs and or have direct contact with her learn a reap as much as I do.

I am so thankful and happy and grateful to my God for all He has blessed me with and does bless me with, especially my family and all of the great friends and neighbors who have impacted my life in so many positive ways, and all of the, not only, positive experiences He has given me, but especially the challenging ones that have brought so much growth when accepted in the proper light. And today as I learn about the passing of Lena Wilcock, I thank the Lord for her special impact on my life. She was a neighbor in Idaho that was nothing less than an angel.

Have a wonderful day.

I wish Gods blessings of pure Love and Light and Light of Christ energy upon all of you.


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