I had a hard time with the word chosen. I didn't have the definitions of it on the day of and I felt a little out of line considering myself as chosen. When I found where my wife had identified the definitions of the words we are using, I studied them out.
1) Selected from a number; picked out; taken in preference; elected; predestinated; designated to office.
2) Select; distinguished by preference; eminent.
Predeterminmed; foreordained; decreed
1) High; lofty; as an eminent place.
2) Exalted in rank; high in office; dignified; distinguished.
3) High in public estimation; conspicuous; distinguished above others; remarkable.
There are a number of these things that I hope for and seek. Some of them make me feel uneasy. In a righteous way I hope for at least some of the others. I want to be chosen, but I'm probably going to have to grow into it at this time. I'm glad it came up because I can see it is necessary to focus on in a righteous way.
Day 14 - The Word Confident
Confident is a wonderful word. There are many ways that I am confident and many I am not. For example, I am quite confident in my work skills. I am confident that my mother and my wife and my children love me and most of my grandchildren at any given time. I am confident in my growing relationship with my Father in Heaven and my Savior. I become in-confident when I compare my Heavenly skills with those in this group that I know. I'm really grateful for my skills, but I find myself envying your skills and behind in my progress. But I sure am glad that I am as close to you as I am because I sure do enjoy the discussions and the learning that goes on. As understanding comes, confidence grows. My confidence around the Gospel has grown in leaps and bounds this past year. I am confident that I know that God is in charge and leading me along.
Day 15 - The Word Concise
I had a wonderful experience with this word as I went to work at 4:30 Monday morning. The Spirit came over me and taught me what the Savior meant when He said "I am that I am". I have know for years that we are what we think. Bronwen has been talking to me about how we have taught our bodies wrong things that are the opposite of what we really want. I have been telling my self that old age stinks, and my body hurts, that I have Diabetes etc. The Spirit taught me that I am what I have programed myself to be when in fact, I want just the opposite in reality. Some how I felt how to change all of that and make it right. It was a wonderful AH HA moment. Then my wife gave me two of Annalee Skarin's books that she brought back from our home in Idaho when she was there in May. I spent several years reading and applying Annalee's encouragement and had wonderful experiences with her books. The 2 that Tari brought back were about the pathway of the Gods. They are the only two that I haven't read yet. Well, I started them yesterday and WOW. Because of the experiences I have had this last 15 months and this project and all of the wonderful conversations with Tari and Bronwen, I'm understanding all of Annalee's teachings on a much higher level. I am so grateful for the Gospel and the learning curve that takes place in our lives when we finally get our noses headed in the right direction., and I can see that being concise is one of the main things we have to apply to everything we do in our lives if we are going to become as God is.
Day 16 - The Word Cooperative
This word was refreshing because I don't have as much struggle with it as I do some of the other words. I like to cooperate with people, especially ones who are cooperative. The important thing to me is that I don't cooperate with the enemy. There are many out there, especially in the political world. I am one who looks forward to the cooperation that will go on that will bring about the Millennial reign and do away with all of the tyranny that abounds in this world.
Day 17 - The Word Completed
I do look forward to this part of the journey being completed. But I realize that God doesn't just sit around so, how will it be???
Day 18 - The Word Charismatic
This word makes me laugh. I suppose I hope a bit of charisma wears off on me as the process goes on. Is it possible for an old Country Red Neck to develop charisma? After all, Larry the Cable Guy has a compelling attractiveness or charm that inspires devotion in others. However, I would rather have # 2 happen to me.
attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.
A divinely conferred
power or talent.
Day 19 - The Word Classic
I like Tari's post on this. She is so classy in so many ways. I like to see her in my mind as she will be when the renewal of our bodys comes. She is very pretty with classy taste in most things. I carry a photo of her when she was 19. She is tall and slender and has a great smile and the best of pretty fingers. Her Dream car is an older Jaguar and a 64 1/2 Mustang. She has great taste in music and cloths. Hopefully some day I will be able to provide her with more of the classy things she deserves. She is and always will be a very classy woman
For me, the older I get the more I like fine (classic) things. A perfect water melon chilled to perfection. A great prime rib or rib eye. A 66 GTO or a 57 Chevy. A great Pickup. New Caterpillar equipment. A good pair of boots. Long tailed shirts. Each new grandchild. Children who really have their act together. How good a man my father was and I didn't even know it until I became a classic (you know, older). I have been blessed to know many men and a few women that are true classics. And because of them my life has been blessed immensely. I am also blessed to know up and coming spiritual giants. I am positively sure that my Father and Mother in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ are Classic. And I am very grateful for classic books and experiences that teach me classic truth.
Now, as you have seen, I was very behind with these posts. I doubt it will be the last time, but I am glad for tomorrows word, Changeable. I change daily and have much hope of becoming perfect in all things.
Blessings on all of you.
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