Thursday, April 17, 2014


Hello World,

It is really a pretty day here in Alpine today. The sun is shining and the air is fresh and it's going to be a great day.

This life of "meditation" sure is interesting. Even though we all know we can't control others and only "I" am responsible for my anger or resentment or irritation, we could probably go all day adding to that list, we just keep doing it to each other. One of the things that irritate me the most and the fastest is when I go to do the dishes, those who have filled the sink and the counter around it have just thrown their stuff in with out rinsing it off or stacking it somewhat and it turns into a cluttered mess, crusty as can be and it takes the person doing the dishes twice as long or more to do the doggone chore that is already depressing enough because it takes much longer to cook the meal that made the mess than it does to eat it. To me, it seems like each person would care enough about the mother who usually does these chores to do their part and make these mundane jobs as easy as possible. Isn't that just something that we should exercise just because we are decent human beings.

So, I'm sure those of us who are meditating are up and down trying to remember to keep the composure and remember that we should be sending out love and peace and etc,etc,etc instead of steaming and fretting and hoping that the guilty culprits will get a clue. Sure feels better when we do it right, huh? Sure would be nice if the guilty culprits would get a clue, huh? But, it's the load that makes the muscle grow.

E-words for the day: EXERCISE, EAT, EXPECT.


We can exercise our rights. That seems to be part of if not much of the reason our Nation is no longer recognizable.
We can exercise our body's
We can exercise control of how we feel.
We can exercise tyranny.
We can exercise Love.
There are any number of things we can exercise, rightly or wrongly.

In a general sense, any kind of work, labor or exertion of body. Hence,
1.       Use;  practice; the exertions and movements customary in the performance of business;  as the exercise of an art, trade, occupation, or profession.
2.       Practice;  performance;  as the exercise of religion.
3.       Use;  employment; exertion;  as the exercise
of the eyes or of the senses, or of any power of body or mind.
4.       Exertion of the body, as conducive to health;  action;  motion, by labor, walking, riding, or other exertion.
5.       Exertion of the body for amusement, or for instruction;  the habitual use of the limbs for acquiring an art, dexterity, or grace, as in fencing, dancing, riding;  or the exertion of the muscles for invigorating the body.
6.       Exertion of the body and mind or faculties for improvement, as in oratory, in painting or statuary.
7.       Use or practice to acquire skill;  preparatory practice.  Military exercises consist in using arms, in motions, marches and evolutions.  Naval exercise consists in the use or management of artillery, and in the evolutions of fleets.
8.       Exertion of the mind;  application of the mental powers.
9.       Task;  that which is appointed for one to perform.
10.   Act of divine worship.
11.   Lesson or example for practice.
1.       In a general sense, to move;  to exert;  to cause to act, in any manner;  as, to exercise the body or the hands;  to exercise the mind, the powers of the mind, the reason or judgment.
2.       To use;  to exert;  as, to exercise authority or power.
3.       To use for improvement in skill; as, to exercise arms.
4.       To exert one’s powers or strength;  to practice habitually;  as, to exercise one’s self in speaking or music.
5.       To practice;  to perform the duties of;  as, to exercise an office.
6.       To train;  to use;  to discipline;  to cause to perform certain acts, as preparatory to service;  as, to exercise troops.
7.       To task;  to keep employed;  to use efforts.
Herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense towards God and men.  Acts xxiv
8.        To use;  to employ
9.       To busy; to keep busy in action, exertion or employment.
10.   To pain or afflict;  to give anxiety to;  to make uneasy.

8.       Exertion of the mind;  application of the mental powers.

Seems to me if we were living the life that Jesus taught, we would never get angry or any of the negative emotions in an out of control fashion. Wow, what a concept.


We eat food.
Acid eats metal.
Negative emotions eat lives.
Cancer eats flesh.

1.       To bite or chew and swallow, as food.  Men eat flesh and vegetables.
2.       To corrode; to wear away;  to separate parts of a thing gradually, as an animal by gnawing.  We say a cancer eats the flesh.
3.       To consume; to waste.
4.       To enjoy.
5.       To consume; to oppress.
6.       To feast.
In scripture, to eat the flesh of Christ, is to believe on him and be nourished by faith.
1.       To take food; to feed; to take a meal, or to board.
2.       To take food; to be maintained in food.
To eat or to eat in or into, is to make way by corrosion; to gnaw; to enter by gradually wearing or separating the parts of a substance.  A cancer eats into the flesh. 


We all expect, probably every moment of consciousness. Right now, I expect myself to win this battle of negative self talk, negative emotions, blaming others etc, etc, etc. I expect myself to be a finisher. I expect myself to see my goals completed.

To look, that is, to reach forward, or to fix the eyes.
1.       To wait for.
2.       To look for; to have a previous apprehension of something future, whether good or evil;  to entertain at least a slight belief that an event will happen.  We expect a visit that has been promised.  We expect money will be paid at the time it is due, thought we are often disappointed.  Expect, in its legitimate sense, always refers to a future event.  The common phrase, I expect it was, is as vulgar as it is improper.

 I always wondered who got to decide what was proper and what was vulgar and improper.  Personally, I think rednecks have just as much say as anyone.

Today's Hidden Soul of Words is "JOY":

It's good to have joy. It makes me feel good. I send joy to everyone.


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